Hope for the People and the Ocean
December, 2018
The Honorable Dr. Jane Lubchenco gave a lecture titled Hope for People and the Ocean at the SF State Estuary and Ocean Science Center in November, 2018. Listen in to hear about how policies have worked to bring overfished fisheries back and how new collaborations bring natural and social scientists together to focus on problems facing the ocean. Positively Ocean at the end focuses on how elephant seals have rebounded and how the Point Reyes National Seashore is working to protect them and humans from their presence on beaches.
Positively Ocean Episode: Elephant Seals make a comeback!
Produced by Liz Fox

Sex in the Sea Part Two!
November, 2018
Guest: Dr. Marah J. Hardt
More sultry tales from under the waves, Dr. Marah J. Hardt shares more about some the weirdest animals in the ocean and their wild reproductive strategies.

Are open ocean debris cleanups effective? CA's new Straw Law
September 3rd, 2018
Guests: Dr. Denise Hardesty of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and Lisa Kaas Boyle
Learn about the latest research about the accumulating marine debris problem in our global ocean. Do open ocean cleanup efforts effectively address the issue? On the second half of the show, learn about the new Straw law in California.

Sunscreen- Whats in it means a lot to the ocean and sandy beach ecology- do you know what those hoppers are all about?
August 6th, 2018
Part one: Dr. Craig Downs of the Haereticus Environmental Laboratory talks about the devastating findings about coral reef loss and the contribution of sunscreen chemicals to that loss, find out what these chemicals are and how to avoid them when protecting yourself from the sun. Part two: Marin/Sonoma beaches are among the finest in the world with beauty, ruggedness and biological diversity! Dr. Karina Nielsen of the Estuary and Ocean Science Center at SF State University shares her knowledge about what most of us don't notice on beaches.

Slowfish and hiking the California Coastal Trail
June 4th, 2018
Hear highlights from the 2018 Slowfish conference hosted by SlowFood San Francisco, bringing fishermen, buyers and chefs together to move towards "good, clean and fair fish" practices. On the 2nd half of the show hear about an amazing journey down the CA Coastal Trail with three UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management graduates who took up the cause of raising awareness about the CA Coastal Trail and identifying whats needed to complete it by hiking the entire thing!
Positively Ocean Episode: World Oceans Day!
Produced by Liz Fox

Heirs to Our Oceans - Youth take ocean education and conservation by storm
May 7th, 2018
Guests: April Peebler, Charley Peebler, Aislinn Clark - Heirs to our Oceans
Heirs to our Oceans is a rising tide of youth leaders learning about the vital life giving habitat that is the blue ocean. Educating themselves and others is part of their mission as is speaking up and getting involved in activism and conservation. These students are learning about what their generation will be inheriting and getting involved now. Meet a few of the Heirs and about the issues they work on.
Positively Ocean Episode: Positively Ocean: Single Use Plastic Straws-have you had your last straw?
Produced by Liz Fox

Tomales Bay: Whats going on upstream and downstream
April 7th, 2018
Guests: Terry Sawyer
Terry Sawyer, co-owner of Hog Island Oyster Company, board foundation member of the Tomales Bay Watershed Council and elected board member to the Marin Resource Conservation District talks about what projects are happening to address the health of Tomales Bay. As a stakeholder and oyster farmer, the health of the bay is of utmost importance, learn about upstream conservation actions and downstream monitoring activity that are helping all stakeholders learn more about this incredible body of water that is stewarded by NOAA/Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, Point Reyes National Seashore, CA State Parks and others.
Positively Ocean Episode: How Sea Turtles are getting a helping hand during winter months on the East Coast.
Produced by Liz Fox

The Return of Harbor Porpoise to San Francisco Bay
March 7th, 2018
Guests: Bill Keener, Jim Sugar and Jessica Sison
Harbor porpoise disappeared from San Francisco Bay in the 1960's and 70's and in recent years have returned heartily. Biologist Bill Keener from the Golden Gate Cetacean Society talks about their return and filmmakers Jim Sugar and Jessica Sison talk about the film The Return of the Harbor Porpoise to San Francisco Bay, a award winning film that documents the history and good news story of the return of the porpoises to the once periled waters of the bay.

Sea Foraging the Northern California Coast
February 5th, 2018
Guest: Kirk Lombard, The Sea Forager's Guide to the Northern California Coast
Hear some salty stories about sea foraging/fishing on the Northern CA coast as written about by expert sea forager/educator/fish monger Kirk Lombard.
Positively Ocean Episode: How Whale Disentanglement teams work together to help save entangled whales
Produced by Liz Fox