Guest: Roz Savage, Ocean Rower
Back in the studio post row, Roz Savage has completed the first part of her 3 phase mission.... to cross the Pacific Ocean in her rowboat. In September, 2008, Roz made it to Hawaii all the way from San Francisco. Tune in to hear about Roz's journey, the message she is trying to generate through her expedition, and where she's headed next.
Read the transcript here.
November 3, 2008

Guests: Rita Bell, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Meghan Marrero, US Satellite Lab
If over 70% of our planet is covered in ocean, why is it barely covered in the K-12 curriculum in the US? An ocean literate person is defined as one who clearly understands the influence the ocean has on themselves, and their influence on the ocean. Find out what these leading educators have to say about this important ocean conservation topic.
Read the transcript here.
August 4, 2008

Guest: Ed Ueber, former superintendent of Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries
Ed has recently retired from a formidable career with the sea and will share his perspectives and stories from his hard working career. What do some of his colleagues have to say? Tune in to hear from them as well.
Read the transcript here.
July 7, 2008

Guests: Hugo Selbie, CA Sea Grant Fellow, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Catherine Marzin, Historical Ecology Program Manager, National Marine Sanctuary Program
How do we learn about our historic ecosystem health before we started collecting data? Learn how historical ecologists are probing into historic documents to learn about behavior modifications, shifting baselines, shifts in oceanographic productivity and more.
Read the transcript here.
June 2, 2008

Guest: Randall Arauz
Randall Arauz is a Costa Rican biologist with Programa Restauracion de Tortugas Marinas (PRETOMA), a Costa Rican non-profit which is a marine conservation and research organization working to protect ocean resources and promote sustainable fisheries policies in Costa Rica and Central America. Randall works in partnership with the Sea Turtle Restoration Network based out of Forest Knolls, Marin, CA.
Read the transcript here.
May 5, 2008

Guest: Dave Mattila
Dave Mattila is the science and rescue coordinator for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary where endangered humpback whales come every winter to breed, calve, and nurse in the shallow warm waters around the islands. Dave is a specialist in whale disentanglement from marine debris and conducts research on Humpback whales with a collaborative of scientists in the Pacific ocean. The study titled SPLASH, (Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance, and Status of Humpbacks) is an international effort to understand the population structure of humpback whales across the Pacific.
Read the transcript here.
April 7, 2008
Oil Platform Habitats
Guest: Milton Love
Milton Love is the author of Probably More Than you Want to Know About the Fishes of the Pacific Coast, and co-author of The Rockfishes of the Northeast Pacific. Dr. Love conducts research around oil platforms to see how the platforms provide habitat for rockfish compared to natural habitats. From fish parasites, to fish diversity around oil platforms, this is sure to be a lively conversation you don't want to miss.
Read the transcript here.
March 10, 2008

Seafood Watch
Guest: Sheila Bowman
When you buy seafood, do you know where or how it's been caught? How can you make responsible seafood purchases that support sustainable fisheries. Hear from Sheila Bowman, Outreach Manager for the Seafood Watch program run out of the Monterey Bay Aquarium about find out how consumers have a role in being advocates for environmentally friendly seafood.
Read the transcript here.
February 11, 2008

History of the Farallons
Guest: Peter White
Peter White, author of The Farallon Islands: Sentinels of the Golden Gate, talks about the vibrant history of the Farallons 26 miles west of the Golden Gate bridge. Hear about Spanish galleons, the egging days of the Gold Rush, shipwrecks, lighthouse keepers. What lessons can the past pave for the future?
Read the transcript here.
January 14, 2008

California Marine Life Protection Act Update
Guests: Hear from Melissa Miller-Henson, Program Manager of the MLPA, Stakeholder Group representatives, Irina Kogan, Resource Protection Specialist with Gulf of the Farallones NMS, Fred Smith with the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin, and Tom Baty, local subsistence fisherman.
Learn about how the CA Marine Life Protection Act came to be, how its being carried out, how the stakeholder group has been working with other groups to create draft proposals, and how you can learn more about the process. Note: this show is in two parts.
Part 1
Read the transcript here.
Part 2
Read the transcript here.