Guests: Dr. Jaime Jahnke-PRBO Conservation Science, David McGuire-Sea Stewards, Scott Tye-Marin Chapter of Surfrider
Hear about the ocean conditions observed during the 2010 sampling season during the Applied California Current Ecosystem Studies (ACCESS) program in 2010, what events are happening to highlight the importance of sharks during SharkTober Fest, and what Marin Surfrider is up to in October.
Read the transcript here.
July 5, 2010

Guests: Dr. John Largier, UC Davis, Bodega Marine Lab, Dr. Bill Sydeman, The Farallon Institute
Hear about the expected climate change impacts that our coastal and ocean ecosystem in the Bay Area may expect.
Read the transcript here.
June 7, 2010

Guest: Scot Anderson, Shark researcher
Scot has been actively participating in white shark research at the Farallon islands and off the coast of Point Reyes. Hear about how a once feared animal, is now a species of concern.
Read the transcript here.
May 3, 2010

Guest: West Marin School stuents and BWET leaders Leslie
Adler Ivanbrook and Madalienne Hopel Meet the leaders and students of a BWET program happening amongst the wilds of West Marin. Hear students talk about their experiences out and about learning about the coastal ecosystem.
Read the transcript here.
April 5, 2010

Guest: Laura Engeman, California Ocean Protection Council
Can the ocean generate a sustainable source of energy for us? Learn about the local wave energy project on the Sonoma Coast and other projects that are being planned for in CA. Hear about the types of technology and what environmental impacts could exist.
Read the transcript here.
March 1, 2010
Post Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Guest: Riki Ott, Marine Biologist, Author/Activist
In 1989 the landscape and coastal communities of Alaska/Prince William Sound and beyond changed forever following the Exxon Valdex Oil Spill. What happened? How did this affect the communities along the coast? Why did the litigation process take 20 years and the compensation only pay 10 cents on the dollar for the losses?
Read the transcript here.
February 1, 2010

West Coast Ecosystem Based Management and San Francisco Ocean Film Festival 2010
Guests: Bill Douros, West Coast Regional Director for NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries and Nancy Iverson, filmmaker
West Coast Regional Director for the National Marine Sanctuary Program Bill Douros shares insight into how resource managers plan for multiple uses in a productive ecosystem like we have here on the west coast, a concept known as marine spatial planning, while keeping in mind the connections between land and sea and broad ecosystem connectivity. Nancy Iverson, filmmaker/pediatrician talks about her film "From the Badlands to Alactraz" that will be shown at the upcoming San Francisco Ocean Film Festival.
Read the transcript here.
January 4, 2010

What's happening on the Marin coast?
Guests: Rebecca Johnson, Paula Boule
Tune in to learn about the rocky intertidal docent program being led by the California Academy of Sciences and the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and hear how Coho salmon returns are on Lagunitas Creek, Marin County, CA.
Read the transcript here.