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2017 Radioshow Podcast Archives

ocean currents and KWMR logos

November 6th, 2017
Salted Dorid California Marine Protected Areas-5 years after implementation
Guest: Cyndi Dawson, a lead policy advisor on the Marine Protected Area Network in CA to the CA Ocean Protection Council, part of the CA Natural Resources Agency talks about the status of the entire state network of MPA’s, what baseline monitoring, education/outreach, enforcement and ongoing community partnerships are doing to help better manage and plan for the best possible outcomes for improving biomass in and outside of MPAs.


Positively Ocean Episode- How the ocean helps heal and calm/Blue Mind Produced by Liz Fox


October 2nd, 2017
Sandy Beach Wheres all the sand going?

Guest Dr. Aurora Torres of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research talks about the growing crisis of sand mining.

Overexploitation of global supplies of sand is damaging the environment, endangering communities, causing shortages and promoting violent conflict. Learn how an international team is looking at this issue through a systems integration approach.


Positively Ocean Episode- Students become “Ocean Guardians” through National Marine Sanctuary School grants Produced by Liz Fox

June 5th, 2017
rhinocerous auklet and snapshot logo Ceramacists helping seabirds (pt.1); Volunteer scientists help inventory coastal species during California coastal "bioblitz" (pt.2)

Guest: 1st half: Michelle Hester, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge; 2nd half Rebecca Johnson, California Academy of Sciences Ecologists from Oikonos

Ecosystem Knowledge partnered with a mix of collaborators including ceramacists to help breeding seabirds that were losing habitat to erosion. On the 2nd half of the show, learn about how the California Academy of Sciences is mobilizing coastal visitors to "bioblitz" and share observations with photographs using digital app. Inaturalist to track species range changes.



Positively Ocean Episode-Citizen Scientists monitor beaches and act as “Eyes and Ears” for the Sanctuaries Produced by Liz Fox


May 1st, 2017
albatross picking plastic Do plastics in the ocean smell like food to ocean seabirds?

Guest: Dr. Matt Savoca, Marine Ecologist/UC Davis graduate

"If it smells like food, and looks like food, it must be food right?" New research highlights how plastics may take on the smells of typical food that seabirds like to eat. Learn more about this recent research with marine ecologist and UC Davis graduate Dr. Matt Savoca.


Ocean Currents 100th Episode! Meet the host Jennifer Stock
Produced by Liz Fox


March 6 2017
harvesting_kelp 3-D Ocean Farming-A Restorative Model

Guest: Bren Smith, Executive Director of Greenwave

Learn about a new method for ocean farming designed to restore ocean ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and create blue-green jobs for fisherman. Bren Smith of Greenware shares how he left the field of commercial fishing to look for a sustainable model to continue to put food on people's plates.


February 06, 2017
seastar_on_sponge Sex in the Sea- Strategies from the Sea!

Guest: Author, Marah J. Hardt author of : Sex in the Sea: Our Intimate Connection with Sex-Changing Fish, Romantic Lobsters, Kinky Squid, and Other Salty Erotica of the Deep

Listen in as Marya talks about various strategies by different ocean animals for reproducing and find out how humans are acting as "birth control" for ocean wildlife.
