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2016 Radioshow Podcast Archives

ocean currents and KWMR logos

December 05, 2016
boccacio_rockfish Rockfish Conservation Areas on the West Coast of the U.S.

Guest: Kelly Ames, Pacific Fisheries Management Council
The Pacific Fisheries Management Council instituted Rockfish Conservation Areas in 2002 in response to several species of valuable rockfish being designated "overfished." Learn about what they are, and what has changed in 14 years since the closure went into effect and what the future may hold for these long lived and tasty fish.

Read the transcript here

Positively Ocean Episode : How rockfish are responding to Rockfish Conservation Areas
Produced by Liz Fox

Read the transcript here

November 07, 2016
image of krill on fingertip Krill: A Keystone Species in the Ocean
Guest: Dr. Jeff Dorman, Executive Director of the Farallon Institute

Krill are a keystone species in the ocean providing a vital link in the food web for many links in the dynamic ocean food web. Jeff talks about some natural history and what research and modeling is helping us to understand about this critical species.

Read the transcript here

Positively Ocean episode :Protecting Krill for Ocean Ecosystems in National Marine Sanctuaries and beyond

Read the transcript here

October 4, 2016
image of crab and sponge Blue Carbon: Why restoring coastal wetlands can help combat climate change.
Guest: Dr. Ariana Sutton-Grier, Ecosystem Science Advisor for NOS/NOAA

While efforts move forward to figure out ways to reduce global greenhouse gases and carbon emissions, efforts are also moving forward to figure out ways to sequester carbon. All along we've known marshes and coastal wetlands were good for habitat and fisheries and storm buffering and carbon storage, but the amount these blue/green edges can pull carbon out of the atmosphere, store it and provide a multitude of ecosystem services is a win win for the environment. Learn about how agencies and organizations are working to advance restoration of wetlands through local and national efforts.

Read the transcript here.

Mitigating climate change through restoration of coastal ecosystem habitats-Blue Carbon Produced by Liz Fox

Read the transcript here

August 1, 2016
image of crab and sponge Seamounts protection campaign and explorations with the E/V Nautilus
Guests: Samantha Murray, CA Seamount Protection Coalition; MaryJane Schramm, Media Liason, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

California Seamount Coalition director, Samantha Murray shares the latest campaign to add protections to significant seafloor features off the California coast. Also, in later August the E/V Nautilus will be exploring in the Greater Farallones NMS deploying its deep sea ROV's in deep sea coral habitats and shipwreck regions. Learn how everyone can explore real time via telepresence. Also learn about some coastal maritime archeology efforts happening along the Sonoma coast at Fort Ross Historic Park.

Read the transcript here.

May 2nd, 2016
image of coast guard logo
Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Update
Guest: MaryJane Schramm, Media Liason, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Both Greater Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries are in a public comment period regarding US Coast Guard exemptions regarding discharge regulations. Learn about the public comment period as well as other short sanctuary updates regarding whale entanglements and harbor seal pupping season. Note, the rest of the show was a replay of an earlier episode already in the archives. 

Read the transcript here

April 4th, 2016
photo of white abalone
Restoring White Abalone: from the lab to the wild
Guest: Melissa Neuman, NOAA and Kristin Aquilino, UC Davis, Bodega Marine Lab

White abalone were once prolific in southern CA waters, but over harvesting, reproductive failure and infections have diminished this species to become the first invertebrate to make the endangered species list. NOAA has been working on a restoration action plan that includes culturing individuals in aquaculture laboratories. Meet Melissa Neuman of NOAA and Kristin Aquilino of UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab to hear the latest. 

Read the transcript here

March 7th, 2016
photo of shearwater flying over water
Management of the High Seas
Guest: Dr. David Freestone, Sargasso Sea Commission

Dr. David Freestone shares information about the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea and how international waters are managed. Learn about the Sargasso Sea Commission that is advancing intentions of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea towards international collaboration for conservation.

Read the transcript here

February 2nd, 2016
photo of a dungeness crab
Nasty Neurotoxins
Guests: Vera Trainer; Oceanographer with NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Dick Ogg, Bodega Bay Fisherman; Dr. Peter Weiss-Penzias, UCSC

Listen to an update about the 2015/2016 unprecedented widespread harmful algal bloom that prevented the opening of the CA Dungeness Crab fishery and learn about the local impacts the closure has had on the Bodega Bay fishing community. On the 2nd half of the show learn about potentially toxic fog. How does mercury get into the fog? What are the potential implications of this? 

Read the transcript here.