Scientific Publications

Bibliography of work conducted within Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Journal Articles
Hanna, G.D. 1952. Geology of the continental slope off central California. Proceedings of California Academy of Science 27:325-374.
Lipps, J.H. 1965. Revision of the foraminiferal family Pseudoparrellidae Voloshinova. Tulane Studies in Geology 3:117-147.
DeLaca, T.E. and J.H. Lipps. 1972. The mechanism and adaptive significance of attachment and substrate pitting in the foraminiferan Rosalina globularis d'Orbigny. Journal of Foraminifera Research 2:68-72.
Schmieder, R.W. 1980. Intermediate forms and range extension ofPedicularia californica and Pedicularia ovuliformis. Veliger 22(4):382-384.
Lee, W.L. 1987. Guitarra abbotti and G. isabellae, new
sponges from the eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the Biological Society
of Washington. Washington DC. Vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 465-479
Schmieder, R. W. 1987. Terraces, tilting, and topography of Cordell
Bank. California Geology 40(11):258-264.
Eldridge, M.B., J.A. Whipple, M.J. Bowers, B.M. Jarvis, J. Gold. 1991. Reproductive performance of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 30(1-2):91-102.
Bowers, M.J. 1992. Annual reproductive-cycle of oocytes and embryos of yellowtail rockfish Sebastes flavidus (family Scorpaenidae). Fishery Bulletin 90(2):231-242.
Okihiro, M.S., J.A. Whipple, J.M. Groff, and D.E. Hinton. 1992. Chromatophoromas and related hyperplastic lesions in Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp). Marine Environmental Research 34 (1-4):53-57.
Okihiro, M.S., J.A. Whipple, J.M. Groff, and D.E. Hinton. 1993. Chromatophoromas and related hyperplasia in Pacific rockfish(Sebastes spp). Cancer Research 53(8):1761-1769.
MacFarlane, R.B., E.C. Norton, and M.J. Bowers. 1993. Lipid dynamics in relation to the annual reproductive-cycle in yellowtail rockfish (Sebastes flavidus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50 (2):391-401.
Norton, E.C., R.B. MacFarlane. 1995. Nutritional dynamics of reproduction in viviparous yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus. Fishery Bulletin 93(2):299-307.
Gosliner, T.M. and D.W. Behrens. 1996. Two new species of nudibranch mollusks from the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries, central California. Veliger 39(4):348-353.
Chin, J.L., H.A. Karl, and N.M. Maher. 1997. Shallow subsurface geology of the continental shelf of the Farallones, California, and its relationship to surficial seafloor characteristics. Marine Geology 137:251-269.
Wing, S.R., L.W. Botsford, S.V. Ralston, J.L. Largier. 1998. Meroplanktonic distribution and circulation in a coastal retention zone of the northern California upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography 43(7):1710-1721.
Yen, P.P.W., W.J. Sydeman, and K.D. Hyrenbach. 2004. Marine bird and cetacean associations with bathymetric habitats and shallow-water topographies: implications for trophic transfer and conservation. Journal of Marine Systems 50 (1-2):79-99.
Dorman, J.G., S.M. Bollens, A.M. Slaughter. 2005. Population biology of euphausiids off northern California and effects of short time-scale wind events on Euphasia pacifica. Marine Ecology Progress Series 288:183-198.
Kaplan, D.M., J. Largier, L.W. Botsford. 2005. HF radar observations of surface circulation off Bodega Bay (northern California, USA). Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 110 (C10): Art. No. C10020 Oct 18 2005.
Hyrenbach K.D., C. Keiper, S.G. Allen, D.G. Ainley, and D.J. Anderson. 2006. Use of marine sanctuaries by far-ranging predators: commuting flights to the California Current System by breeding Hawaiian albatrosses. Fisheries Oceanography 15 (2): 95-103.
Iampietro, P.J., M.A. Young and R.G. Kvitek. 2008. Multivariate prediction of rockfish habitat suitability in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Del Monte Shalebeds, California, USA. Marine Geodesy 31(4):359-371.
Jahncke, J., B.L. Saenz, C.L. Abraham, C. Rintoul, R.W. Bradley, W.J. Sydeman. 2008. Ecosystem responses to short-term climate variability in the Gulf of the Farallones, California. Progress in Oceanography 77:182-193.
Anderson, T.J., C. Syms, D.A. Roberts, D.F. Howard. 2009. Multi-scale fish-habitat associations and the use of habitat surrogates to predict the organisation and abundance of deep-water fish assemblages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 379(1-2): 34-42.
Storlazzi, C.D., and J.A. Reid. 2010. The influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles on wave-driven sea-floor sediment mobility along the central California continental margin. Continental Shelf Research 30(14): 1582-1599.
Young, M.A., P. J. Iampietro, R.G. Kvitek, and C.D. Garza. 2010. Multivariate bathymetry-derived generalized linear model accurately predicts rockfish distribution on Cordell Bank, California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 415:247-261.
Michael, P.E., K.D. Hyrenbach, J. Jahncke. 2013. Balancing act: relative influence of static and dynamic features on black-footed albatross habitat use in central California Sanctuaries. Fisheries Oceanography. doi: 10.1111/fog.12039
McGowan, J., E. Hines, M. Elliott, J. Howar, N. Nur, J. Jahncke. 2013. Using habitat modeling to inform ocean zoning within Central California’s National Marine Sanctuaries. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071406
Samara M. Haver, Jason Gedamke, Leila T. Hatch, Robert P. Dziak, Sofie Van Parijs, Megan F. McKenna, Jay Barlow, Catherine Berchok, Eva DiDonato, Brad Hanson, Joseph Haxel, Marla Holt, Danielle Lipski, Haru Matsumoto, Christian Meinig, David K. Mellinger, Sue E. Moore, Erin M. Oleson, Melissa S. Soldevilla, Holger Klinck,, 2018, Monitoring long-term soundscape trends in U.S. Waters: The NOAA/NPS Ocean Noise Reference Station Network, Marine Policy, Volume 90,Pages 6-13,
Lipski, Danielle, Gary Williams, Dan Howard, Jennifer Stock, Jan Roletto, Guy Cochrane, Carina Fish, and Kaitlin Graiff, 2018, Discovering the Undersea Beauty of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, in Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2017 field season. Oceanography31(1), supplement, 126 pp.,
Technical Reports
Barnes, B.B. 1971. A unique acoustic tracking technique applicable to dragline dredge sampling at sea. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL MMTC. No. 2, 39pp.
NOAA. 1985. Descriptive Report; Cordell Bank Survey, Field Number DA-20-1-85, Register Number B-16, U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Ocean Service.
Kruse, W.A. and R.W. Schmieder. 1986. Images of the proposed Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA Technical Report Series OCRM/SPD, 11pp.
Hall, Robert K., A.Y. Ota, N.M. Maher, G.L. Gabel. 1992. The use of geographical information systems (GIS) to facilitate ocean site designation for disposal of harbor dredged materials. U.S. Geological Survey Circular, Report: C 1092, pp. 137-143.
Eldridge, M.B. 1994. Hook-and-line fishing study at Cordell Bank, California, 1986-1991. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-197, 24pp.
Airamé, S., S. Gaines, and C. Caldow. 2003. Ecological Linkages: Marine and Estuarine Ecosystems of Central and Northern California. NOAA, National Ocean Service. Silver Spring, MD. 164 pp.
Stumpf, R., S. Dunham, L. Ojanen, A. Richardson, T. Wynne, and K. Holderied. 2005. Characterization and monitoring of temperature, chlorophyll, and light availability patterns in National Marine Sanctuary Waters: Final Report. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 13. NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/CCMA, Silver Spring, MD. 48 pp.
Scholz, A., C. Steinback, S. Klain, and A. Boone. 2005. Socioeconomic profile of fishing activities and communities associated with the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries. 122 pp.
NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) 2007. A Biogeographic Assessment off North/Central California: In Support of the National Marine Sanctuaries of Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay. Phase II - Environmental Setting and Update to Marine Birds and Mammals. Prepared by NCCOS's Biogeography Branch, R.G. Ford Consulting Co. and Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge, in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program. Silver Spring, MD. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 40. 240 pp.
Storlazzi, C.D., J.A. Reid, and N.E. Golden. 2007. Wave-driven spatial and temporal variability in sea-floor sediment mobility in the Monterey Bay, Cordell Bank, and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5233. 61 pp.
de Marignac, J., J. Hyland, J. Lindholm, A. DeVogelaere, W.L. Balthis, and D. Kline. 2008. A comparison of seafloor habitats and associated benthic fauna in areas open and closed to bottom trawling along the central California continental shelf. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-09-02. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 44 pp.
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries 2009. Cordell Bank National
Marine Sanctuary Condition Report 2009. U.S. Department of
Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of
National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 64 pp. (35.7M
Largier, J.L., B.S. Cheng, and K.D. Higgason, editors. 2010.Climate Change Impacts:
Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine
Sanctuaries. 121pp. (3.5M pdf) Report of a Joint
Working Group of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National
Marine Sanctuaries Advisory Councils. Download theExecutive Summary of the
Report (252k pdf).
Hyrenbach, D., M. Hester, J. Adams, P. Michael, C. Vanderlip, C. Keiper, M.
Carver. 2012. Synthesis
of Habitat Use by Black-footed Albatross tracked from Cordell
Bank National Marine Sanctuary (2004-2008) and Kure Atoll
Seabird Sanctuary (2008). 41 pp.
Joint Working Group on Vessel Strikes and Acoustic Impacts. 2012.Vessel Strikes
and Acoustic Impacts. Report of a Joint Working Group of
Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries
Advisory Councils. 43 pp.
Joint Working Group on Vessel Spill Response Technologies. 2010.Vessel Spill Response Technologies. A Report of a Joint Working Group of Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Advisory Councils. 80 pp.
Graiff, K., and D. Lipski, 2016, Benthic Community Characterization of the Upper Reefs of Cordell Bank, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. 31 pp.
Lipski, D., 2016, Report from the Workshop on Benthic Sampling at Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. 13 pp.
Graiff, K., D. Lipski, P. Etnoyer, G. Cochrane, G. Williams, E. Salgado. 2016 Benthic Characterization of Deep-Water Habitat in the Newly Expanded Areas of Cordell Bank and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. .Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-16-01. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 38 pp.
Hewett, K., D. Lipski, J. Largier, 2017, Hypoxia in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. A joint summary report from Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Bodega Marine Lab.
Sperou, E., D. Lipski, K. Graiff. 2017. Cordell Bank Taxonomic Guide. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. p.72.
Graiff, K., D. Lipski, D. Howard, M. Carver, 2017, Benthic community characterization of the mid-water reefs of Cordell Bank. 32 pp.
Graiff, K., and D. Lipski, 2020, First characterization of deep sea habitats in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary: E/V Nautilus 2017. NOAA Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, 39 pp.
Graiff, K., and D. Lipski, 2020, Characterization of Cordell Bank, and Continental Shelf and Slope: 2018 ROV Surveys, NOAA Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, 33 pp.
Dissertations and Theses
Kieckhefer, T.R. 1992. Feeding ecology of humpback whales in continental shelf waters near Cordell Bank, California. M.S. Thesis, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San Jose State Unversity. 86 pp.Pirtle, J.L. 2005. Habitat-based
assessment of structure-forming megafaunal invertebrates and
fishes on Cordell Bank, California. M.S. Thesis, Washington
State University. 64 pp. (1.3M pdf)
Young, M. 2007. Modeling rockfish abundance and distribution on Cordell
Bank National Marine Sanctuary, California. Capstone Project,
California State University, Monterey Bay. 88 pp.
Michael, P. 2011. Modeling the dispersion and habitat associations of
Black-footed Albatross in Central California National Marine
Sanctuaries M.S Thesis. Hawaii Pacific University.
McGowan, J. 2013. Seabird hot spots and human activities in Cordell
Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, central
California. M.S Thesis, San Francisco State University.
Dransfield, A. 2013. Using habitat modeling of humpback whales to
inform marine spatial planning in Cordell Bank and Gulf of the
Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, central California. M.S Thesis,
San Francisco State University.
Fontana, R. 2013. Fronts: location, persistence, and associated
biological activity off the coast of northern California. PhD Thesis,
University of California Davis (Bodega Marine Laboratory).
Conference Proceedings
Schmieder, R.W. 1985. The Expeditions to Cordell Bank. Proc. Joint International Scientific Diving Symposium, La Jolla, California, Oct. 31-November 3, 1985.Kruse, W.A. and R.W. Schmieder. 1986. High resolution graphic images of EEZ data: Cordell Bank, California. Proc.Fourth Working Symp. Oceanographic Data Systems, Univ. Calif. San Diego, February 4-6, 1986, pp. 4-13.
Roletto, J., D. Howard, C. Brown. 1998. Meaningful marine monitoring: The three R's to responsible stewardship. Taking a Look at California's Ocean Resources: An Agenda for the Future. Vol. 2, Magoon, OR; Converse, H; Baird, B; Miller-Henson, M (eds) pp. 1338-1347.
Anderson, T.J., D.A. Roberts, D. Howard. 2007. The distribution, abundance, and habitat relationships of deep-water demersal fishes in the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (CBNMS), USA: Abstract #019. p222-223. In: First International Marine Protected Areas Congress, 23-27 October 2005, Conference Proceedings: IMPAC1 2005, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. p665. (4.8M pdf)
Presentations and Posters
Powell, C.L., M. McGann, D.A. Trimble. 1992. Molluscan and formainiferal evidence of a late Pleistocene sea level lowstand at Cordell Bank, Central California. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 73 (43), Suppl: 273-274, 27 Oct. 1992.Vance, T.C., N. Merati, C. Moore, and C. Alexander. 2003. VRML-based visualization of GIS data for a Marine Sanctuary. AMS International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology [AMS Int. Conf. Interact. Inf. Process. Sys. Meteorol. Oceanogr. Hydrol.]. Vol. 19.
Roberts, D.A., T.J. Anderson, and D. Howard. 2004. Fish-habitat
relationships at Cordell Bank (California) National Marine
Sanctuary. Western Groundfish Conference, Victoria, British
Columbia. Poster presentation. (1.4M pdf)
Pirtle, J.L., B.N. Tissot, D.A. Roberts, and D. Howard. 2004.Habitat-based assessment of
megafaunal invertebrates and fish on Cordell Bank,
California-Invertebrates as living components of benthic
habitat. Western Society of Naturalists. Rohnert Park, CA.
Oral presentation. (1.5M pdf)
Anderson, T.J., D.A. Roberts, and D. Howard. 2005. Deep-water
groundfishes of Cordell Bank: the establishment of a baseline
monitoring program. IMPAC Marine Protected Area Conference,
Geelong, Australia. Oral presentation. (4.8M pdf)
Pyle, P., M. Carver, C. Keiper, B. Becker, D. Howard. 2005. Cordell Bank
Ocean Monitoring Program (CBOMP). Sanctuary Currents
symposium. Monterey, CA. Poster presentation. (596k pdf)
Pirtle, J.L., B.N. Tissot, D.A. Roberts, and D. Howard. 2005.
Structure-forming invertebrates as components of benthic habitat for
rockfish (Sebastes) on Cordell Bank, California. American Fisheries
Society. Anchorage, AK. Oral presentation.
Pirtle, J.L., B.N. Tissot, D.A. Roberts, and D. Howard. 2005.Habitat-based assessment of
structure-forming megafaunal invertebrates and fishes on Cordell
Bank, California: Invertebrates as living components of benthic
habitat. Western Society of Naturalists. Monterey, CA. Oral
presentation.(664k pdf)
Douros, W., C. Mobley, M. Brown, D. Howard, H. Price. 2005. Hard bottoms, soft bottoms, and
the conservation science plan at Cordell Bank National Marine
Sanctuary. California and the World Ocean Conference, Long
Beach, CA. Oral presentation. (2.1M pdf)
Roberts, D.A. and T. Anderson. 2006. Seafloor
mapping as a foundation for resource conservation at Cordell
Bank National Marine Sanctuary. California and the World
Ocean Conference, Long Beach, CA. Oral presentation. (3.5M
Etherington, L., P. Pyle, M. Carver. 2007. Seabird
abundance at Cordell Bank,CA associated with changes in regional
oceanographic conditions. Pacific Seabird Group Meeting,
Pacific Grove, CA. Oral presentation. (1.1M pdf)
Young, M., R. Kvitek, and P. Iampietro. 2008. Multivariate Landscape
Model Prediction of Rockfish Abundance and Distribution in Cordell Bank
National Marine Sanctuary, California, USA. Western Groundfish Meeting,
Santa Cruz, CA. Oral presentation.
Stafford, D., S. Berkeley, S. Sogard, S. Parker, G. Cailliet. 2008. Influence of maternal age on larval quality and timing of parturition in shelf and slope. Western Groundfish Meeting, Santa Cruz, CA. Oral presentation.
Etherington, L., P. van der Leeden, D. Roberts. 2008.Explorations
of cold-water coral-habitat relationships on Cordell Bank, CA
using submersible visual data and multibeam sonar data.
GeoHab Meeting, Sitka, AK. Oral presentation. (4.2M pdf)
Jahncke, J., M.L. Elliott, B.L. Saenz, R. Bradley, C.L. Abraham. 2008.
Planktivorous seabird responses to variability in coastal upwelling in
California. The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES).
Dalian, People's Republic of China. Oral presentation.
Fontana, R.E., J.L. Largier, J.Jahncke. 2009. Patterns of frontal formation over the northern California shelf. Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Monterey, CA. Poster presentation.
Roberts, D. 2010. Temporal trends in fish size, abundance, and recruitment
during a four-year time period at Cordell Bank National Marine
Sanctuary. Western Groundfish Meeting. Juneau, AK. Poster
Jahncke, J., J.E. Roth, R.W. Bradley, M. Elliott, P. Warzybok. 2010.
Ocean processes influencing seabird and their prey in the Gulf of the
Farallones. Pacific Seabird Group 37th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
Oral Presentation
Karnovsky, N.J., E.M. Caves, P. Warzybok, R.W. Bradley, M.L. Elliot,
B.L. Saenz, C. Chang, J. Jahncke. In pursuit of plankton: the foraging
behavior of Cassin's auklets in the Gulf of the Farallones. Pacific
Seabird Group 37th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Oral
Fontana, R.E., J.L. Largier, J. Jahncke. 2010. Patterns of ocean
frontal formation over the Northern California shelf. American Society
of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), The Oceanography Society (TOS),
American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting,
Portland, OR. Poster Presentation.
Jahncke, J., M.L. Elliott, R.W. Bradley, P. Warzybok. 2010. Ecosystem
responses to variability in coastal upwelling. 2010 Sanctuary Current
Symposium: Voices of Hope: Science and Innovation for the Ocean,
Monterey, CA. Poster Presentation.
Jahncke, J., M.L. Elliott, R.W. Bradley, P. Warzybok. 2010. Applied
California Current Ecosystem Studies. 2010 Sanctuary Current Symposium:
Voices of Hope: Science and Innovation for the Ocean, Monterey, CA.
Poster Presentation.
Fontana, R.E., J.L. Largier, J. Jahncke. 2010. Fronts in California
upwelling ecosystems: predictability based on temperature and salinity
patterns. 2010 NSF GK-12 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Poster
Michael, P., K.D. Hyrenbach, L. Etherington, J. Jahncke. 2010.
Describing dispersion and habitat associations of Black-footed
Albatross in central California marine sanctuaries. First World Seabird
Conference, Victoria, Canada. Poster Presentation.
Warzybok, P., N. Karnovsky, R.W. Bradley, E. Caves, M.L. Elliott, J.
Jahncke. 2010. Working hard to get their krill: Cassin's Auklets
increase foraging effort when krill densities are low in the Gulf of
the Farallones, California. First World Seabird Conference, Victoria,
Canada. Oral Presentation.
Fontana, R.E., J. Largier, J. Jahncke. 2010. Coastal oceanographic
fronts off Northern California: patterns, predictability, biological
importance. California and the World Ocean 2010, San Francisco, CA.
Oral Presentation.
Robinette, D., J. Jahncke. Looking Outside the Box: MPA Management Must
Consider Regional Biophysical Processes. California and the World Ocean
2010, San Francisco, CA. Oral Presentation.
Elliott, M.L., R.W. Bradley, P. Warzybok, J. Jahncke. 2010. Ecosystem
responses to variability in coastal upwelling in central California.
California and the World Ocean 2010, San Francisco, CA. Poster
Elliott, M.L., M. Galbraith, D. Mackas, J. Jahncke. 2010. Copepod
assemblages as indicators of ocean conditions in Central California.
North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2010 Annual Meeting,
Portland, OR. Oral Presentation.
Fontana, R.E., J. Largier, J. Jahncke. 2010. Coastal oceanographic
fronts off Northern California: patterns, predictability, biological
importance. Western Society of Naturalists 2010 Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA. Oral Presentation.
Elliott, M.L., M. Galbraith, D. Mackas, J. Jahncke. 2010. Copepod
assemblages as indicators of ocean conditions in Central California.
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) 2010
Conference, La Jolla, CA. Oral Presentation.
Roberts, D. 2010. Temporal trends in fish size, abundance, and
recruitment during a four-year time period at Cordell Bank National
Marine Sanctuary. Western Groundfish Meeting. Juneau, AK.Poster
Graiff, K., D. Howard, and B. Van Syoc. 2011. Re-discovering
Cordell Bank: Technical dive expedition 30 years
later.Beyond the Golden Gate Research Symposium,
San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation.
Graiff, K., D. Roberts, and D. Howard. 2011. A first look at
deep-sea corals and sponges on the continental slope west
of Cordell Bank, California. Western Society of
Naturalists, Vancouver, WA. Poster presentation.
Cruise Reports
2002 R/V Velero Delta submersible cruise report. Cordell Bank habitat characterization and biological assessments.2006 R/V Fulmar Marine debris cruise report. Derelict fishing gear in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary: Surveys, removal protocol development, and removal Feasibility assessment.
2007 R/V Fulmar Camera sled cruise report. Characterization of soft bottom biological communities and habitats of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary.
2007 NOAA Ship McArthur II cruise report. Distribution and abundance of
marine birds, mammals and zooplankton relative to the physical
oceanography of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank
2008 NOAA Ship McArthur II cruise report Distribution and abundance of
marine birds,mammals and zooplankton relative to the physical
oceanography of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank
2008 R/V Fulmar Marine debris cruise report. Derelict fishing gear in
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary: Surveys, removal protocol
development, and removal Feasibility assessment.
2009 NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Habitat characterization: Cordell Bank and Gulf of The Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries Expansion Area.
2010 R/V Fulmar SCUBA cruise report. Re-discovering Cordell Bank: Dive expedition 30 years later.
2010 R/V McArthur II ROV cruise report. Deep sea coral and benthic habitat surveys in Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries.
Other Reports
Schmieder, R.W. 1979. Cordell Bank Expedition 1977-78 - A Visit to a
long-lost island. Preliminary Report, 61pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1979. Cordell Bank Expedition 1977-78. Final Report,
Schmieder, R.W. 1980. Cordell Bank Expedition 1979. Preliminary Report, 54pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1980. Cordell Bank Expedition 1979. Final Report, 53pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1981. Cordell Bank Expedition 1980. Preliminary Report, 163pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1982. Cordell Bank Expedition 1980. Final Report, 51pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1982. A Preliminary summary of knowledge of Cordell Bank, California, 53pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1983. Preliminary Report on the 1983 Cordell Bank Expeditions, 64pp.
Webber, M.A. and S.M. Cooper. 1983. Autumn sightings of marine mammals and birds near Cordell Bank, California, 1981-82. Published by Cordell Bank Expeditions, Walnut Creek, CA, 43pp.
Schmieder, R.W. 1985. Cordell Bank Expeditions, 1978-1979. National Geographic Society Research Reports 20:603-611.
Ehler, R., V.R. Leeworthy, P.C. Wiley. 2003. A Socioeconomic overview of the northern and central coastal California counties as they relate to marine related industries and activities. 31pp.
Pyle, P., B. Becker, C.Keiper, M. Carver, D. Howard. 2005. Cordell Bank Ocean
Monitoring Project (CBOMP): Goals, methodology, and 2004
results. 17pp. (684k pdf)
Pyle, P., M. Carver, L. Etherington. 2008. Methodology for debris
monitoring during at-sea observation programs in West Coast
National Marine Sanctuaries. Final report to NOAA Marine
Debris Program. 8pp. (208k pdf)
Graiff, K., D. Roberts, D. Howard, P. Etnoyer, G. Cochrane, J. Hyland,
and J. Roletto. 2011. A
characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities
on the continental slope west of Cordell Bank, Northern
California using a remotely operated
vehicle. Final report to NOAA Deep Sea Coral
Research and Technology Program. 21pp.
Etherington, L., P. van der Leeden. K. Graiff, D. Roberts, and B.
Nickel. 2011. Summary of deep
sea coral patterns and habitat modeling results from
Cordell Bank, CA. Report to NOAA Deep Sea Coral
Research and Technology Program. 24pp.
2014 CBNMS Science Summary
2015 CBNMS Science Summary
2016 CBNMS Science Summary
2019 CBNMS Science
2020 CBNMS Science
Climate Impacts report
Schmieder, R.W. 1991. Ecology of an Underwater Island. Cordell Expeditions. Walnut Creek, CA, 98 pp.