Maps and Spatial Data
Where is Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary? Find it in Google Earth!
Download a Google Earth movie.
Go to the Sanctuaries Geographic Information System Data page
and find the sanctuary boundary as an ESRI-format shape file or Google Earth
.kml file.
Produced prior to the sanctuary expansion in 2015.
Cordell Bank is one of 14 marine protected areas in the National Marine Sanctuary System in the United States and one of 5 national marine sanctuaries on the Nation's west coast.
Download the
poster (5.2M PDF)
Produced prior to the expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the (now "Greater") Farallones
national marine sanctuaries in 2015. Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary is one of 3 contiguous central California
national marine sanctuaries.
Download a large size jpeg image file of the full map. (4M JPG)
Both versions produced prior to the expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the (now "Greater") Farallones national marine sanctuaries in 2015. The sanctuary is near the San Francisco Bay area of California.
Download a large size jpg image file of the map (909KB JPG).
The area within Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary's boundaries is about 1,286 miles.
The Bank itself is about 20 nautical miles west of the the Point Reyes lighthouse (about 23 miles).
Produced prior to the expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the (now "Greater") Farallones national marine sanctuaries in 2015.
The heart of the sanctuary is an offshore rocky bank about 4.5 miles wide by 9.5 miles long.
A zoomed in image of Cordell Bank showing shallowest areas of the Bank. The lighter colors represent hard rocky areas, the dark areas are flat, soft sandy sediments. This shows the complexity of seafloor habitat types of the Bank.
Download the Cordell Bank bathymetry shown here as well as other benthic mapping products.