Maps and Spatial Data
Where is Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary? Find it in Google Earth!
Download a Google Earth movie.
Go to the Sanctuaries Geographic Information System Data page
and find the sanctuary boundary as an ESRI-format shape file or Google Earth .kml file.
Produced prior to the sanctuary expansion in 2015.
Download the poster (5.2M PDF)
Produced prior to the expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the (now "Greater") Farallones national marine sanctuaries in 2015. Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary is one of 3 contiguous central California national marine sanctuaries.

Download a large size jpeg image file of the full map. (4M JPG)
Both versions produced prior to the expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the (now "Greater") Farallones national marine sanctuaries in 2015. The sanctuary is near the San Francisco Bay area of California.
Management Area of Greater Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries

GFNMS and CBNMS also manages the northern area of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) from the Santa Cruz-San Mateo County line (in Año Nuevo Bay) to the MBNMS northern boundary, off the coast of southern Marin County and accepts permit applications for this region. Read more about permit applications.
Download Management Area Map (4.4 MB)
Sanctuary Atlas Map

An atlas of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, featuring bathymetric and topographic information. Note: this map is intended to be printed as a 16.66 x 25 inch poster. This map is provided for your personal and educational use.
Download Map (13 MB)