Ocean Conservation
When you learn about something you value, you understand it; when you understand it, you respect it; and when you respect it, you protect it.
The ocean takes care of us. Let's return the favor. The ocean is a vital resource that provides food, water, commerce, recreation, medicine and even the air we breathe. Today, our ocean faces unprecedented threats from pollution, trash, declining fisheries and multiple impacts from climate change.
- Learn all you can about the ocean (there is only one big ocean!), especially Cordell Bank and share what you learned with others!
- Explore all the sites in the National Marine Sanctuary System
- Learn about Cordell Bank Education offerings
- Listen to an Ocean Currents podcast episode
- Attend a Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting
- Visit Cordell Bank from afar by visiting an exhibit on land
- Place all trash especially non-biodegradable plastics in proper receptacles.
- Puncture inflated balloons after use and dispose of properly.
- Protect wildlife by disposing of fishing lines and nets properly, not in or near the water.
- Use water sparingly when watering your lawn and washing your car as well as for all other household chores.
- Reduce or better yet eliminate the use of household non-biodegradable chemicals and detergents.
- Reduce, or better yet eliminate the use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers on your lawns.
- Reduce automobile pollution by using carpools, using fuel-efficient vehicles, recycling motor oil and keeping your vehicles in good working condition.
- Use xeriscaping and native plants to reduce the amount of water needed for home and business landscaping purposes.
- Plant trees to offset the amount of carbon dioxide for which you are personally responsible.
- Turn off lights and appliances including the television when you are not in the room.
- In the summer set the thermostat at 80 degrees F or higher, and in the winter set it at 68 degrees F or lower.
- Inspect your wall outlets, windows and doors for air leaks.
- Use shades and/or curtains or insulated windows and doors to reduce heat transfers.
- Protect wildlife by not feeding sea animals including birds, sea turtles, dolphins and whales.
- Protect ocean wildlife by not disturbing the nests and nesting grounds of shore birds and sea turtles.
- Learn before you go fishing: contact your local California Department Fish and Wildlife office about local fishing regulations and refer to resources for fishermen provided by NOAA Fisheries.
- Practice ethical fishing methods by learning how to properly catch and release.
- Fish only species that are not of concern, threatened or endangered
- Know the size limits, bag limits and seasons of the fish you are catching. Several websites list state and federal regulations:
- Be a smart shopper, choose your seafood responsibly. Several websites offer advice on purchasing seafood including: